TOP 3 major mistakes in bed

The only person who doesn't make mistakes is the one who doesn't do anything. So in sex, only a young maiden can boast that she has never hurt anyone, made them feel unpleasant or bored. After all, it is in this area of life that much is experienced. And yet there are three mistakes that it would be better not to write into your intimate history.

mistakes of women in sex

Error No 1. Lack of initiative

Yes, representatives of the strong half dream of seeing that they are desirable and cause their second half to have a frenzied attraction. And if there is never any initiative on her part, what can they do? They will feel themselves like poor, unhappy, and unwanted males.

Error No 2. Silence

To think that only women want to talk is wrong. Men need it, too. Only information they need to be submitted obviously and very clearly, without any hints: what exactly you like, what else you want, and what is missing. The partner will definitely take everything into account, fix it and tighten it up where necessary. Normal men tend to think first of all about the satisfaction of their girl, and then about their own.

Error No 3. Comparison with former lovers

This mistake is fatal, very cruel and unforgivable. Sex has no canons, no set of rules is written for it, and no one should be equal to another. When one relationship ended and another began, it does not mean that you need to act according to the usual pattern, including in bed. It is necessary to realize that now there is a completely different person, with his own characteristics and inclinations. Get to know each other, experiment, love, and forget everything that was «before»!
